α ↔ ω : The End

2009.12.10 in school and video

Today marked the end of a somewhat awesome semester of Intermediate Video; with that, of course, marked the end of our final projects.

I've got a lot of stories to tell about this project, but very little time right now to tell them! There's a big test that I need to do well on tomorrow (the last one was during the week I was out sick; I ended up taking it right after I got better, to not-so-great-effect), as well as a lovely RCOS presentation that I need to prepare. So, stories later.

For now, there's a copy of the video at YouTube (I apologize for the bars and tone; the professor requires them, and I forgot to remove them before uploading; jump to 0:30 to skip them!). Watch it in HD!

Or, if you're adventurous (and have a lot of time), there's a 400+MB H.264@720p version on Jayne. (not currently available)

The music (which I made overnight last night, in Logic, and isn't very good) is around, too.

It was a fun video to make, anyway! I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the data; the RAWs are wayyyyy too big to keep around, but the Apple Intermediate files are only a few gigabytes, so I might (should) keep them.